Faculty of Architecture and Design
After having an academic career in different regions all over the world, I have found that the College of Architecture and Design is exceptional. It includes academicians from different regions, each with different culture and backgrounds, that diversity enhances the education process vastly. In addition this College includes three departments; Architecture, City Planning and Design and Design and Visual Communication, which enriches the education curriculums.
Since the college was established in 1986 throughout 30 years it was aiming towards the most successful theories and principles that have evolved, moreover, different academic standards have been introduced in order to upscale and achieve an optimum educational target. The academic program is now more oriented towards the environmental and social requirements of the local society in Jordan and the Arab world.
One of the main challenges in these fields is globalization; it is always a struggle to meet modern developments without losing the essence of our culture identity. Another major challenge is the rapid developments of science and technology and how it is reflected in our daily life and environment. To an extent the JUST mission emerged as a way of dealing with such conditions, seeing Jordan as a 'diversity of influxes'.
The programs at this college of architecture and design tackle these challengers. We educate our graduates the principles as well as preparing them more adequately into the whole concept of becoming an Architect, designer and planner, in terms of presentation & marketing skills, communication, creativity and critical thinking, never disregarding the actual educational knowledge of theories and histories. They learn about different ways of dealing with design and planning problems and sustainability.
We always strive to reach excellence in research and to lay the foundations of teaching our graduates to solve design problems and encourage critical thinking.
Other factors are also beneficial to our college programs; the location of The Kingdom of Jordan adds value since it is in the center of the Middle East, which again makes it a major attraction to the region.
Currently, the colleges preparing for International accreditation for its program to lead to a high raise in the educational standards of the college, which has always maintain edits respectable reputation among other Faculties of Architecture, both in Jordan, the Middle East and internationally.